Saoirse talks “Lost River”

Ryan Gosling has managed to get together a very impressive cast for Lost River, including the hugely talented Irish actress Saoirse Ronan, who plays the role of Rat in the movie. Saoirse has opened up about her character Rat, admitting that the name fits the character perfectly, as she almost lives like a rat.

Ronan explained, “She lives in this house with her grandmother and her grandmother’s a hoarder and there’s lots of man-made tunnels within the house because there’s so much memorabilia that the grandmother’s collected over the years,” she said, before adding, “And I had a pet rat, Nick.”

As well as starring Saoirse Ronan, the Lost River cast also includes other impressive Hollywood stars like Christina Hendricks, Eva Mendes, Matt Smith, Iain De Caestecker, and Ben Mendelsohn. Lost River does not yet have an official release date but we will let you know as soon as one is announced.

Source: FansShare